Friday, March 20, 2009

Lost Review: Ancient Commonsense

Note: As a Lost addict whose copy desking usually interferes with actually watching the show in real time, I will be posting sporadic episode reviews as I get to them. Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for confused readers who don't watch the show. It's far too late for you now.

I have been waiting for the big reunion episode for ages, ever since our six erstwhile castaways left the island at the end of Season 4, and we finally got the goods tonight. Sawyer was appropriately stunned, Hurley was big and cute and hug-ful, Jack did this whole awkward handshake thing, and our own Mistress of Meaningful and Poignant Looks delivered with various regretful grimaces and a desperate and sad hug. If Sawyer leaves Juliet for Kate, I will destroy my television.

And then comes Sawyer's big reveal: thanks to the island's time-hopping, he and Jin and Co. have been stuck in ... wait for it... 1977 ever since Locke left. In keeping with tradition, everyone drops what they're doing, makes scared faces, and the camera zooms meaningfully in on Hurley.

"Um... what?" he asks, staring around apprehensively. Somewhere in the great VH1 Has-Beens episode in the sky, Charlie "Guys... Where Are We?" Pace is smiling.

And we're off.

Sawyer, who is awesome, manages to get the returned castaways into the Dharma Initiative by passing them off as new recruits who've just arrived on the island via the initiative's sub. They all get flower leis and "Namastes" all around (the entire Dharma Initiative are secret hippies, for serious) and job assignments. Jack gets "Workman," which basically means "glorified janitor." Score one for Sawyer.

Sawyer also gets major points for a confrontation between him and Jack, when Jack, apparently dissatisfied with the fact that Sawyer has pretty much saved them all from death by Dharma, stops by his house to complain. "Where do we go from here?" he whines. Sawyer says he's thinking about it.

"It looked like you were just reading a book," Jack counters brilliantly.

Sawyer, who is pretty much my favorite person in life right now, puts down his book and straight-up OWNS Jack with a little-known fact about Winston Churchill (he read a book every night, even during the blitz, because he said it helped him think better) and a legitimate analysis of Jack's leadership style, which is that he has none.

"Back when you were calling the shots you pretty much just reacted. See, you didn't think, Jack. And as I recall, a lot of people ended up dead," Sawyer drawls. "So I'm going to go back to reading my book and I'm going to think. 'Cause that's how I saved your ass today." BAM.

Jack tries to fight back with some lame stuff about how he got everyone off the island, but Sawyer is a piece of ownage and Workman Jack leaves dejectedly. It's Sawyer time.

And then Kate and Sawyer exchange this little look, and Kate looks weirdly disappointed, and Sawyer looks weirdly guilty, and if she somehow destroys the competent awesomeness that Sawyer and Juliet have going on, I will break things.

In other news, we find out that Sun, undead Locke, and Ben are stuck in 2007, which poses some problems. And Jack's undead father has shown up again, which should be interesting.

Other notes:

- Sun proves her awesomeness once again and knocks Ben out with an oar. Sweet.
- Sayid is also in 1977 with the Dharma kids, but he had the misfortune of getting picked up by some legit Dharmaites before Sawyer could find him, so he's in Other jail right now for being a suspected hostile. Sad face.
- At the risk of sounding ridiculous, I'm kind of mad Jack and Co. are back on the island, because Sawyer and Juliet are ADORABLE, and everyone seems to have made a little home for themselves where they are. Seriously, all they have to do is avoid Ben's giant Dharma extermination in, say, 1990-ish, and they'll be fine.
- Juliet and Kate's first exchange in the Dharma processing station was crazy tension-filled. If Kate tries to come back to Sawyer, I am fairly confident we'll see another Kate/Juliet mud-wrestling showdown.
- Tiny Ben shows up! He is still appropriately creepy. I am so glad he's back.

And, lastly, your Sawyer one-liner of the evening:

After a Dharma Initiative member suggests that they kill Sayid: "Well, I appreciate your input there, Quick Draw, but I wanna talk to him first."

1 comment:

  1. I would like to point out that if oceanic 6 people mess up what our losties on the island have going it's messing up the one place that they've found a good dynamic in a community that they like to be a part of and that would make me majorly unhappy. They all need something good, even if it means an inevitable mass grave, at least they had a good life in the 70s together before Benry brings his scourge of calculated evil upon them. I feel Hurley will fit in well though since he basically already has a hippie vibe going on.

